Here you can find a collection of information about React JS. This is how I chose to study about React, you can go and check the official documentation at
- ❌ JSX Syntax and Expressions
- ❌ Components
- ❌ Styling Components
- ❌ PropTypes and Default Props
- Fetching
- ❌ Hooks
- ❌ State
- ❌ Lifecycle Methods
- ⏳ Forms
- ❌ Refs and the useRef Hook
- ❌ Performance Optimization
- ⏳ Context API
- ❌ Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
- ❌ Render Props
- ⏳ Redux
- ❌ Routing
- ❌ State Management Libraries
- ❌ TypeScript with React
- ❌ Error Boundaries
- ❌ Testing
- ❌ Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
- ❌ Fragments and Portals
- ❌ React 18 New Features
- ❌ React 19 New Features